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595 years ago 1430
595 years ago 1430

What happens in this picture ?!

The Kenite Jael lured the leader of the army, Sisera, into her tent. Sisera had been violently oppressing the Kenites for 20 years. While he slept, she whacked a tent peg straight through his head.


What happens in this picture ?!

The Kenite Jael lured the leader of the army, Sisera, into her tent. Sisera had been violently oppressing the Kenites for 20 years. While he slept, she whacked a tent peg straight through his head.


This story is set in a tent. In the picture, the story takes place in a room in the castle instead of a tent. The main characters, Jael and Sisera, came from the Middle East so they probably weren't pale-skinned or blond. Mediaeval artists did stuff like this. Mediaeval artists did stuff like this. They changed the details so that it looked as if the stories were recent and had taken place in their own countries. But as you can see, they didn't change the gruesome details.

This story comes from a Bible for ordinary people, written in their own language. We call this a picture bible. This version has almost 500 pictures of biblical stories. The book was produced in Utrecht around 1430. In the Middle Ages, most people couldn't read. Books like this one were usually read aloud. The pictures showed the listeners what was happening in the stories. A bit like our picture books for young children.