About this website
This meme generator was made possible by a subsidy from the Stimuleringfonds Creatieve Industrie and has been realized by BLIS Studio, Gek van Software, House of the Book and KB, National Library of the Netherlands.
The content on this website, like texts, the selection of images and the videos are being coordinated/produced by a team of volunteers from the KB - National Library of the Netherlands.
Contact Us
You can send suggestions, fan mail or other messages to:
medievalmemes@kb.nl (e-mail)
+31657603770 (WhatsApp)
The team behind the meme generator
Romeo Vreeken, René Ooms, India Soeteman, Kim van Olderen, Niels Kieviet, Marc-Jan Barnhoorn, Joost Hölscher, Ilse Rombout, Kees Teszelszky and Robert Krom have realized the meme generator.
Many thanks to
The meme generator wouldn't have been possible without help from Adhem Kouta Alec Broekhuizen, Annemarie Beunen, Anouk Jansen, Celeste Hurenkamp, Doris Veldman, Dorris Vreeken, Frédérique Beerse, Ilja Klink, Jesse Mounoury, Jeroen Vandommele, Lucinda Jones, Marcel Harteveld, Marleen van der Meulen, Martijn Kleppe, Matthijs Teszelszky, Martijn van der Wurff, Martine Brons, Mirjam Raaphorst, Olivia Romijn, Orihana Calcines, Rianne Koning, Sanne Frequin and all the nuns & monks who made the medieval manuscripts!